Mirth and Motivation

The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life’s plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life. Robert Louis Stevenson

What inspires me to blog? This is my 4th Anniversary as a WordPress blogger and I’ve crossed a lot of bridges since that first day when I had the temerity to add my voice to the global conversation. I haven’t looked back even though I’ve had my share of major setbacks. What I’ve come to learn is that writing gives me hope, inspiration and joy, and infuses my spirit with a sense of gratitude and awe. So what exactly inspires me? Lots of things inspire me to blog…

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