Observe and create

Heroes Not Zombies

What are some of the core characteristics of being human?

Well, this photo reminds me of two of them.

Observe and create.

We are great at observing. When we slow down, take our time, and really pay attention, then we notice details, see connections, discern patterns, understand underlying themes and aspects of reality. I think this is one of our key powers. Yet, too often, we are too busy, or too distracted and life passes us by.

This is maybe one of the best ways I know to improve the quality of every day life – observe – just notice – just pay attention – just become aware. When we interact with whatever we pay attention to, we develop a deeper understanding – a deeper understanding of what we are observing, of reality, and of ourselves.

We have tremendous powers of observation, which entwine perception with analysis, re-cognition and imagination…

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De ochii lunii

ore de drum

Paris, 2019

Vă doriți luna de pe cer? V-o dăruiesc. Solemnă și discretă, m-a invitat în sferele înalte ale unei expoziții la Grand Palais pentru că, știm bine, ea guvernează artele, inspirația și clarviziunea.

Cei care o urmăresc pas cu pas susțin că tot ea garantează eficacitatea actelor de magie, cum sugerează și Ivan Kramskoy,

are în grijă instinctele, e stăpâna dispoziției zilelor de luni si a intuiției feminine.

Istoria chipurilor sale începe odată cu egiptenii care susțin că zeul lunii, Khonsu, are cap de șoim.

În America latină, -Bolivia și Peru-, s-au imaginat semiluni creștine cu simboluri incașe,

dar în America centrală este, încă, patroana șamanilor.

În Japonia secolului 19, Soma se impune ca o zeiță respectabilă.

În hinduism, apare sub chipul tânărului Chandra, numele curent al lunii, aflată în grupul celor nouă planete importante care influențează soarta omului. Instalat pe un dispozitiv cu rotile care îi permite aceeași…

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Dance or play

Dance has a substance of reality , a journey of observer and to be observed at the same time . play in play is illusion not a illumination . nice poetry of silence .
love all.


Wondering who I am,

I understood right now I am the observer,

Looking at the drama, occurring inside me,

Where my energies are creating a melody,

And my mind is tinkering,

With all the hustle and bustle,

With all the what if’s,

With all the concerns,

Jumping from one emotion to another,

Feels like running and running constantly,

But unexpectedly there entered a voice,

Inviting my mind to close my eyes,

To be gentle,

To be quiet and stay,

To sense that energy around me,

I am standing calmly,

And merely that very moment I felt alive.

Just like staring at beautiful hues of sunset.

All-day our mind conveys myths of the past, the guilt of loss, betrayal of self,

In an illusionary conception and we imitate our drama on it,

Composing a play with all details of our entire life,

Don’t we all do that?

Then why it feels…

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“Where flowers bloom, so does hope.”

pe blog

At Ilri garden, Addis-Ababa


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Postcard from Addis-Ababa

Postcard from Addis-Ababa
by PeStore

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Karma philosophy- Is it for real ?

A Word to the World

Hello beautiful world, I am Manisha. I am an upcoming nutritionist, yoga enthusiast. I am passionate about lifestyle, fitness, nutrition and mental health. I am an easy person to talk to and I am mostly there to help people in need or for people who just need an ear. I have a slight tinge of spirituality and this possibility is because I am an astrologer too. My philosophy for life is that we are not just born to make money and have lunch and dinners. Life is more than that and we must always be ready to learn and unlearn. (Ditch that EgO dude!)

We are all students in this universe and we must stick to it. That is, one must always be a student for a lifetime. Which means, life will never be the same smooth path that it was once. Our past, present and future events are all…

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The Roxna Rollercoaster

Ananda Only

[8 MINUTE READ] A review of Roxna Swamy’s book about her maverick husband


Stories & Newspapers

Newspapers must be read with the caution of a minesweeper. Their pages are designed to manipulate and hypnotise us to buy or believe – to facilitate the transaction of money and power.

“We are not in the newspaper business, we are in the advertising business.” – Vineet Jain, owner,Times of India

A quote which saves me the effort of having to belabour the point.

When I read newspapers, I look at their façade and always wonder what the real story is. And yesterday I got to read one. It was subtitled ‘a roller coaster ride’. I started the book after a light lunch and hurtled through it by bedtime – by when my head was spinning.

It is written by a woman who has had a ringside view of the politics of our…

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16 dintr-o expoziție

ore de drum

Paris, 2019

Din cele douăzeci și șapte de mii de tablouri aflate în colecția muzeului Pușkin, la Moscova, două sute au călătorit pentru prima dată în Occident, la Fundația Custodia din Paris (rue de Lille, 121), un spațiu cu expoziții de calitate. Colecția a aparținut aristocrației rusești și a intrat în posesia muzeului Pușkin prin naționalizările post-revoluționare. Am ales câteva compoziții rare de grafică, acuarelă și pictură semnate de mari maeștri, vi le prezint și vouă, cu mica lor poveste.

Ați întâlnit vreodată o sibilă ?


Nu v-ar strica, pentru că sibila are darul profeției. Dar, vă previn, nu-i ușor să-i descâlcești vorbele. Cea de aici are o vârstă venerabilă, e din secolul 15 și e solitară. De obicei, ele se prezentau într-un grup de douăsprezece, nu întâmplător în perfectă simetrie cu cei doisprezece apostoli. Aceste personaje, precum și oracolele din cărțile sibilinice, au fost integrate în iconografia creștină.


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Musings of a Wanderer

Whether it came from South China Sea or Indian Ocean, we are in the same storm.

We are navigating the same storm, but we are in different boats.

The waves may capsize yours while gently rocking mine, or just the other way around.

For some, quarantine is a moment of reflection and for others a complete dejection.

For some it is a time of re-connection with family and the self, while for some it is a tragic separation.

Some are happy to go within, while others are sad and depressed.

Some are at peace – even though alone, others are restless even amongst their own.

Some are drowning their sorrows in a drink, while others are out there helping the sick.

Some lament the absence of fine dining and gourmet meals, while others are concerned about bread for their next meal.

For many Home has become their Office and some…

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True Happiness is Internal

Saania's diary - reflections, learnings, sparkles

The other day when I was texting a friend, I noticed how impatient and grumpy I felt when she didn’t reply and get back to me. There were similar instances with other people wherein I felt irked the same way. However, it made me wonder why my happiness is dependent on external factors. And, ultimately, just how wrong this is!

We haven’t actually ever been taught to look inside of ourselves. Our worlds are not exactly set up to help us discover our personal boundaries in pursuit of growth, and we are therefore encouraged to cling onto external events in the hopes that we will be happy after, and with the hopes that they will calm our troubled hearts and minds. But quite fortunately enough, true happiness can be found within us.

Internal happiness is when our happiness is influenced by our own realizations, mindsets or thought processes. The weight…

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i-Phoneology (3 IMAGES)

In Heaven On Earth

Recently my Samsung Galaxy S6 phone had an OS update. When I went to turn my cellphone back on, everything was changed as in colors, app shapes and colors, and even my texting colors were changed.

I grouched.

Why must these techo gadgets always have these updates?  Technology it seems is running so fast it cannot keep up with itself.  I also happen to like being in charge of my phone, not vice versa.

However, I noticed something very different about the camera and its features.  I had new instructions on how to gain access to several settings.  *sigh*  Some more new to remember.  OK.  So I remembered and clicked continue.  My first picture after the new OS was put on was the selfie I took that is posted on my main page.  I looked closer and saw a different look to this selfie then from the selfies taken with…

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मैं कलम हूँ


Gregoire A. Meyer

रास्ते है तो ख्वाब है ,

ख्वाब है तो मंजिले है

मंजिलें है तो फासले है

फासले है तो हौसले है

हौसले है तो विश्वास है

मैं कुछ लिखने के लिए अपने कलम को ढूंढ रहा था, तभी मेरे डायरी के पन्नो के बीच उससे मुलाकात हो गई ..

कलम मुझे देख कर सकुचाई तो मैंने पूछ लिया … तुम में और  मुझ में क्या फर्क है ? …

मेरी कलम मेरी ओर देख कर मुस्काई और  फिर धीरे से मेरे कानों में  बोली  …

मैं एक छोटी सी कलम हूँ जो हर पल एक इतिहास लिख रही हूँ ; लेकिन इसके विपरीत, पाँच फीट के तुम इंसान अपने ज़िन्दगी में हमेशा संघर्ष कर रहे हो ।

मैं कलम हूँ मैं अपनी इच्छा के शब्दों को लिख सकती हूँ, लेकिन मुझे लगता है तुम्हारी इच्छाएं ही मर चुकी है |

मैंने कहा … ऐसी बात नहीं है…

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Marry for Love

An Author You'll Remember

Don’t you want to marry for love?
Not for age,
Not for looks,
Not for money,
But love?

Don’t you want to hold
Someone as your own,
And be held
In return for nothing
But love?

Don’t you want to come back
To a place you may call home,
From the wide world,
To be welcomed with
But love?

Don’t you want to share
Your happiness,
Your sorrow,
To be blanketed with
But love?

Don’t you want to spend
Your time,
Your resources
On someone other than your lone self
But love?

Don’t you want to love someone
Above what they call
The definition of love,
To come up with your own kind
But love?

Don’t you want to marry
Not for your family,
Not for your friends,
Not for your society,
But love?

I know I do.
I know you do too.
So why adjust?
Let us marry for…

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I Just Want to Go Home

An Author You'll Remember

I just want to go home,
To where I can be
My most true self,
To where I can stop
Acting to be someone else.

I just want to go home,
Where I am allowed to err
Even when I try my best,
Where I am free to cry
To my heart’s content.

I just want to go home,
To they who make
My very soul happy,
To they who actually
Care for me.

I just want to go home,
Where I know
Each and everyone,
Where each and everyone
Knows me.

I just want to go home,
To a place
I can call home,
To a place
That can call me its.

I just want to go home,
For I am tired
Of everything else,
For I long
Of some comfort.

I just want to go home,
So very badly
That I can’t fully explain,
So very truly

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