Treasure Hunt

In Heaven On Earth

Could it possibly be

a bird I’ve wanted to see?

Oh no don’t fly away!

Please let me see

move for me,

turn your head so I can see

a Ruby-crowned Kinglet! YES!!

The moment “Ruby-crowned Kinglet” is mentioned to any photographer or birder, the face is transformed into a beaming smile of light. Before a proper conversation can take place, off that person jogs to find the treasure, the Ruby-crowned Kinglet.

This tiny tiny bird does not stay still for long. Oh no! It is a photographer’s greatest challenge to even get one clear frame. I patiently followed one Kinglet, determined to get at least one frame of his red feathers on the top of his head. Of about 40 frames, I got one frame that fully showed those red feathers. Oh yes I did get other frames that showed some portions of the red feathers…

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