Quote- 6

Words of Anvi

Today’s quotes series is on journey and beginning.

1- My previous efforts made me considerably abundant. Now I streak for the next milestone as it’s a new beginning- Anvi.

2- Since the day you walked away, I didn’t write in the journal which had your pictures. I bought a new one to record chronicle of my beginning with people who made me feel better- Anvi.

3- I have already checked the to-do of a sticky note. With satisfaction and self belief, I delay not to create another one- Anvi.

4- There prevails my destination. Sometimes, it appears too far when I am not willing to walk more. Sometimes it seems too close when my determination is at the peak. It’s all static, I know it is, I have a promise to keep– Anvi.

5- Every journey has a story with an onset and the verge, the motive is the cause…

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Your Silhouette…

Triangle Writes...

by : Bacardi Gold

Photo by Nathan Cowley on Pexels.com

tall grasses have grown on the silent sands
where I used to run after you
but you made it easy for me to catch you
so we could drop together on the sands

how your laughter drowned the boisterous waves
as it kissed the sparkling shore
then the waves have slid back quickly to the sea
and settled to the ocean floor

we had a quick funny swim
as we hurried up not to lose the sun
but as we took our last and final dip
it was long the setting sun was gone

those were the days of our youthful years
fifty beautiful summers of a happy marriage
and as I leave my sight on this beautiful place
now I’m alone reliving our great golden memories

you went ahead of me
but I felt your soul is here…

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