Sarmoung's Blog

Pranayama is a sophisticated art or, if you prefer, science, composed from exact, disciplined and verified techniques. Through this practice, it is possible for the practitioner to perform “subtle” changes.

In Yoga, through the practice of the asanas (physical postures), the obstacles to the flow of the prana are removed and the practice of pranayama regulates the same flow through the organism. In this way, prana acquires a predominance over the mechanical desires, helping the practitioner to regulate all his thoughts, stilling the mind and producing balance and will which are necessary elements in order to have more control of his life.


Pranayama, Taoist and other breathing exercises from different traditions, are the gateways to different states of consciousness, and these states are so intense and extraordinary that they could fill the existential emptiness that many people experience during their lifetime, bringing them to depression, anxiety, use of drugs…

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