chaotic stillness

∙ tenderheartmusings ∙

Life goes.. forward
or does it trace its way back
one encounter at a time
to where it all began

like a jigsaw
that you try to piece
your whole life
only to realize
it was already complete

in the name of ‘experience’
you stumble
diving face first
into your destiny
resisting, accepting, becoming
what you were meant to be

faces, forgotten faces
surfacing from abyss
at the time of need
others with time
sink to the bottom
in the deep

faces, traces, erase it
a hand once held
an embrace once felt
that left a taste of divinity

this fading world
sweeps past
so quickly
where is the affinity?

cradling fragments
embedded in the core
of true Reality
I persist
hearing the memory
of a quiet surrender
long before
I can remember.


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